Sunday, October 11, 2009

I just wanted to let everyone know that Brayden has coxsackievirus (commonly known as Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease). I'm hoping that Camden doesn't get it but am optimistic because Brayden doesn't have a fever. Keep my kiddos in your thoughts/prayers! Here is the information on it if you, like me, have no clue what it is.

Coxsackievirus A16
A miserable child who has lost interest in eating solids? Perhaps the child has hand-foot-mouth disease.

What is it?
Hand-foot-mouth disease is a common childhood illness featuring mouth sores, fever, and a rash. Similar-sounding “foot-and-mouth disease” is a disease of cattle and is not related to this condition.

Hand-foot-mouth disease is usually caused by a virus called coxsackievirus A16. However, many children with coxsackievirus A16 infections do not have all of the features of hand-foot-mouth disease. Some have no rash, some have no mouth sores, and some even have no fever. A variety of other viruses in the Enterovirus family can also cause hand-foot-mouth disease (the coxsackieviruses are enteroviruses).

Who gets it?
This disease is most common among young children but is seen with some frequency up until puberty. Adults can get it, but this is much less common. Once people have had coxsackievirus A16 they are generally immune, but they could get another case of hand-foot-mouth disease from one of the other, less common viruses. Most infections occur in the summer or early fall, with the peak between August and October in the northern hemisphere.

What are the symptoms?
Children with hand-foot-mouth disease usually start to feel crummy 3 to 7 days after they were exposed. Often, the first thing parents notice is their children’s decreased appetite for solids. Children may also have a fever and a sore throat. A day or two later, many children develop sores in the mouth. They begin as small red spots on the tongue, gums, or mucous membranes. They may blister or form ulcers.

A skin rash may also develop over a day or two, with flat or raised red spots. Unlike with many rashes, the spots are often found on the palms and soles. Also, it is common to have the rash on the buttocks. Often, the red spots will form tender blisters (although not on the buttocks). Unlike with chickenpox, the rash does not itch.

Usually the rash disappears and the child feels better within about 1 week.

How is it diagnosed?
Usually the diagnosis is made based on the history and physical exam. Lab tests are available for the coxsackieviruses and other enteroviruses, but they are not usually necessary. Hand-foot-mouth disease is sometimes confused with strep throat, which can also begin with a fever and sore throat. It is sometimes mistaken for chickenpox because they both have blisters. It might be confused with any of the childhood exanthems. Also, many children with hand-foot-mouth disease are diagnosed with ear infections because the eardrums may appear red.

How is it treated?
Antibiotics do not help with hand-foot-mouth disease. The important issues are pain relief and plenty of fluids. Cold liquids and popsicles can be soothing for a child’s sore throat.

How can it be prevented?
The viruses that cause hand-foot-mouth disease are present both in the stool and in the respiratory secretions. It can spread by fecal–oral transmission, droplet transmission, contact transmission, and by means of fomites. Hand cleansing—especially after diapering/toileting and before eating—can help reduce its spread. Children are often kept out of school or daycare for the first several days of the illness, but it is not clear this prevents others from becoming infected. Other children in the class are probably contagious even though they will never develop symptoms.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

So, I'm excited to tell you that I finally got my hair done! I'm really happy about and its so different for me! Here are 2 pictures of it.

Now tell me what you think! =)

Friday, October 2, 2009

So, I decided while I have the time, I'll blog a bit. :) It's nice and peaceful around here on days like today. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays Brayden goes to parents day out and Camden usually naps during this time. So mommy and daddy get some much needed quiet time. Anyways, I have come to the conclusion that my boys are growing up too fast. I know everyone says that, but mine really are! Especially Camden. He's 7 months old and is already learned how to pull up and walk along stuff or be guided. And then today he started drinking out of one of Brayden's (hard) sippys. What am I going to do with this kid? Lol. Can't he just be a 7 month old crawler? *Sigh* I guess not. Oh, he also will eat just about anything even though he doesn't have teeth. Denying that little boy food is like a bullet to his heart, so, a lot of things get torn or cut into tiny little pieces so that Camden can have some too. Well, while I have this 'me' time, I think I'm going to take a nice, relaxing shower.
Oh, here is a picture of Camden standing.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This post will probably be rather short considering I can't stop yawning. The boys were rather rambunctious today and I just couldn't keep up. Bed time, though a little late (10:15) went rather well, with both boys asleep by 10:30. Now lets just hope they stay that way. I made sure that Camden ate right before bed this time. =P Oh, I got Brayden to try on his skeleton costume that someone gave us to see if it fit today, and it does. He looks too cute in it. Now I just need to get him a black onesie and some black shoes. Camden's costume was also given to us and he's going to be a pumpkin. That is, if he doesn't grow a bunch this month! It fits perfect. So, pray with me that he doesn't grow a bunch! =) Okay, I wanted to write more but my eyes are closing. Good night and God bless.

Monday, September 28, 2009

So tonight isn't going as smoothly, but I'm not going in there. Not unless I hear blood curling screaming. They are doing chain crying right now. They went to sleep at 9 but Camden started fussing at 10 and it woke Brayden up so he started crying and so on. With it being 10:20 right now, I'm hoping its over within the next 10 minutes. Here's to hoping, right? If not, I'm not sure what I'll do. I don't want to go in there because then they'll do this ever night. *Sigh* Here's to smooth sailing.
I have exciting news (for me at least). Me boys slept all night together in their room. Each in their own beds. Why is this so exciting? Because its the first time we've gotten the boys to sleep in the same room. Brayden used to freak out when we would lay Camden down in his crib in their room so we had been putting Camden to sleep in his pack n play in the living room. Now, hopefully, the boys will be on the same schedule and we can all have normal schedules! They went to sleep at 10ish last night and got up at 9:45 so we're getting there. I would be okay with it staying like that as long as they keep sleeping in the same room!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

All in all, today was a good day. I got to go to the store by myself, my cousin watched the boys for awhile while I went to a (twins) baby shower and cleaned up the apartment some! I forgot how good I feel when stuff gets done and the apartment is somewhat clean. It's nice. Well, back to eating the chicken my mom brought over for us. :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Blah. That's how I've been lately. Yet again, it's been awhile since I've updates this. Brayden seems to be done with his molars but Camden won't sleep for me. He'll sleep for everyone else, but not me. Ugh. He still doesn't have any teeth yet, which is starting to worry me. Brayden had his first teeth at like 4 months and Camden is 7 months old with no teeth. Should I be worried? Ugh. My husband still doesn't have a job and we are living off of unemployment. It's no fun, let me tell you. I love my husband, but seeing him all day everyday for almost 6 months is not ideal. We get on each others nerves soooo bad. I just applied for Best Buy so hopefully I can get a part time and that will help us out. The boys are getting huge. Brayden will be 2 Nov. 7th and Camden will be 1 Feb. 17th. Where does the time go?! Well, the hubs is trying to get Camden back to sleep and I'm going to attempt to sleep also! Hope to write more soon and more often!

Monday, July 20, 2009

No sleep for this mom.

So I know I've been gone for quite awhile, but life's been hectic here. P.J. lost his job in April, we fought to get unemployment (which we finally got) for awhile, the boys are getting huge, etc. This passed week has been horrible around here. Both boys are teething. I don't mean a little fussy but tylenol (whatever) helps... No, my boys are the angry, we're not going to sleep, just want to cry and scream kind of teethers. Camden is getting his first teeth and Brayden is getting his 2 year molars. Fun times, I tell you, fun times. Hopefully I can get more sleep soon and write a happier blog.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Just like mommy.

So tonight, as I was going to the bathroom, Brayden followed me in there. I thought, hmmm, maybe he wants to go or simply wants to be with mommy. I proceed to ask him if he wants to go potty and he starts pulling at his diaper, so I take it off and sit him down on his potty. Well, out came the poopoo! I've never been so excited to see poop in my life! Lol. This is the first time he's went on the potty (of my knowledge) and I'm so proud of him!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 'Gift'

First off, sorry for 'disappearing'. Lol. I have been busy lately and haven't even logged in! Some things that have happened in the passed week or so have been 'interesting'. Our anniversary was a moody day and we argued... lol. That was the 28Th and then we went to see Theory Of A Deadman at Phoenix Hill that Friday and it was AWESOME! I took a bunch of pictures and had lots of fun. Then it was back to reality of no jobs a bills. =( I'll get into that in the next post. But let's get into Mother's Day....
The day started out very differently than an ordinary day, but not in a good way. I get up and go to open Brayden's door and I smell poop. I think, nice, I'm going to have a really stinky diaper to clean in a minute.... Then I open the door. Not only is his diaper off, but he has smeared poop on the walls, his carpet, and his blankie. Too the bath he went and P.J. got to clean his room. For the most part, the day was okay, just had its stressful parts. Spent some time with the family that would could and ate some good food. Even got my bc filled.. lol.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Okay, so I'm super excited. Me and PJ are going to see Theory Of A Deadman tonight. I love this band! Also, we got the letter we've been waiting for today. PJ was granted unemployment. Woohoo! Our anniversary kind of sucked Tuesday but I'm sure tonight will make up for it! Also, tomorrow I'll be participating in a kids consignment sale at Valley View Church. Hopefully I can get a little bit out of the clothes the boys can't wear anymore! Alright, I'm hungry and my food is right next to me! =)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Flashlights and cell phones.

So I'm sitting here feeding Camden while I watch Brayden play. He's not playing with his toys though. Amongst the millions of toys he has, he would rather play with flashlights, my cell phone and clothes hangers. Ah, the fascinations of a little boy. Well, the aparttment still isn't clean but its getting there. Eww... Camden just projectile vomited on me... Such a nice way to start the day. *sigh* Well, Brayden is finally starting to 'talk'. He has been able to say words for a while but he's starting to say his 2 word phrases. His favorite one is stop it. I guess since he hears it soo much.... lol. Well, I think I'm going to go find something to eat and play with the boys. Until we 'meet' again, thanks for reading! =)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I have decided to take a break from cleaning and laundry so why not blog? Lol. The boys are still with my cousin so its been a rather calm and quiet day. It's kind of strange actually. Scratch that. The Mexicans that live in the apartment complex are blaring their music, so its not so quiet anymore. Blah. Hopefully they'll be gone soon enough and we won't have to deal with that anymore. Anyways! I've been trying to think of a way to make money at home because I don't have a car but I have yet to really come up with anything. I have been thinking about babysitting but do I really want MORE kids in my home? I haven't decided yet. I have thought about making something and selling it, but what to make? Stephanie is doing the diaper cakes and I'm not good a sewing or knitting. I could do birthday cakes if I learned how I guss. I don't know. I think my creativity has been turned off lately. I can't think of anything. Okay, I think I've taken enough of a break. I'm not sure when the boys will be back and I need to get as much done as posibble bbefoire they are here and I can't do anything.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

So I'm sitting at home without my boys while my husband plays Combat Arms and decided to give in and create a blog at 2am. :) FYI, my sons are at my cousins staying the night. I have an 18 month old, Brayden and a 2 month old Camden. They are my little monkeys. :) I should be cleaning while they're not here, but like any other time, I'm sitting on my butt messing around on the computer. I can clean tomorrow, right? lol. Here is a little info about us. My name is Amanda and I'm a 21 year old stay at home mom. My husband is PJ and he will be 24 next month. We have two awesome little boys, as I've already told you. Brayden's nickname, among many, is Destructomatic 5000. You would understand if you could see our apartment. I'm starting to think I should start 'weeding' out his toys that he never plays with. But alas, I probably won't. I would type more tonight/this morning but I think I'm going to work on the page some more. (Make it more personal, etc.) Thanks for reading my ramblings! :D