Friday, October 2, 2009

So, I decided while I have the time, I'll blog a bit. :) It's nice and peaceful around here on days like today. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays Brayden goes to parents day out and Camden usually naps during this time. So mommy and daddy get some much needed quiet time. Anyways, I have come to the conclusion that my boys are growing up too fast. I know everyone says that, but mine really are! Especially Camden. He's 7 months old and is already learned how to pull up and walk along stuff or be guided. And then today he started drinking out of one of Brayden's (hard) sippys. What am I going to do with this kid? Lol. Can't he just be a 7 month old crawler? *Sigh* I guess not. Oh, he also will eat just about anything even though he doesn't have teeth. Denying that little boy food is like a bullet to his heart, so, a lot of things get torn or cut into tiny little pieces so that Camden can have some too. Well, while I have this 'me' time, I think I'm going to take a nice, relaxing shower.
Oh, here is a picture of Camden standing.


  1. Look how cute he is!!!! Love the picture from behind.

    Seriously I've tried to get them to slow down. I even sat Allie down and had a talk with her when she turned one...I begged her to slow down for a while...they don't listen. :)

  2. Haha. Yeah,I know. It does no good. I usually get laughed at.
