Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This post will probably be rather short considering I can't stop yawning. The boys were rather rambunctious today and I just couldn't keep up. Bed time, though a little late (10:15) went rather well, with both boys asleep by 10:30. Now lets just hope they stay that way. I made sure that Camden ate right before bed this time. =P Oh, I got Brayden to try on his skeleton costume that someone gave us to see if it fit today, and it does. He looks too cute in it. Now I just need to get him a black onesie and some black shoes. Camden's costume was also given to us and he's going to be a pumpkin. That is, if he doesn't grow a bunch this month! It fits perfect. So, pray with me that he doesn't grow a bunch! =) Okay, I wanted to write more but my eyes are closing. Good night and God bless.


  1. We haven't figured out costumes yet. We still have 4 birthdays to get to before we have to deal with Halloween :)

    Glad bedtime went better!

  2. That's a lot of birthday's! this will be the first year of Brayden's birthday (Nov. 7th) followed by Christmas, followed by Camden's birthday (Feb. 17th).

  3. K i'm here I'll follow you here is my link to follow! http://vivalacass.blogspot.com/
