Monday, July 20, 2009

No sleep for this mom.

So I know I've been gone for quite awhile, but life's been hectic here. P.J. lost his job in April, we fought to get unemployment (which we finally got) for awhile, the boys are getting huge, etc. This passed week has been horrible around here. Both boys are teething. I don't mean a little fussy but tylenol (whatever) helps... No, my boys are the angry, we're not going to sleep, just want to cry and scream kind of teethers. Camden is getting his first teeth and Brayden is getting his 2 year molars. Fun times, I tell you, fun times. Hopefully I can get more sleep soon and write a happier blog.


  1. When Caleb got his 2 yr molars he teethed for what seemed like weeks. He constantly had his hands in his mouth.

    Hope everything calms down and you get a break soon! and the boys start feeling better :)

  2. Thank you hun. I hope its not weeks. It's already been a week of little to no sleep and its wearing me thin.
